Título: The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes's Leviathan Autor: Patricia Springborg (ed.) Série: Cambridge Companions to Philosophy Editora: Cambridge University Press Ano: Páginas: xx-534 Formato: 23 x 15,5 cm Encadernação: Brochura Estado: Novo Peso: 795 g Resumo: A coletânia traz uma série de artigos bastante instrutivos sobre a obra capital de Thomas Hobbes, o Leviatã, seguindo sua estrutura literária, ao examinar as relações entre a Física hobesiana, a metafísica, a política, a psicologia e a religião. Discute, ainda, a obra e sua recepção, o débito hobesiano para com a tradição humanista europeia, e o legado de Hobbes para "a tradição de reflexão sobre política e governo ainda viva, quer na Europa quer na diáspora" (da 4a. capa). Contém: Illustrations Contributors Method of Citation General Introduction Part I: OF MAN 1. Thomas Hobbes's Visual Strategies 2. Leviathan, the Beast of Myth: Medusa, Dyonisos, and the Riddle of Hobbes's Sovereign Monster 3. Sense and Nonsense about Sense: Hobbes and the Aristotelians on Sense Perception and Imagination 4. Hobbes on the Natural Condition of Mankind 5. Hobbes's Moral Philosophy Part II: OF COMMONWEALTH 6. Hobbes on Persons, Authors and Representatives 7. Hobbes on Glory and Civil Strife 8. Hobbes and the Philosophical Sources of Liberalism 9. Hobbes on the Right to Punish Part III: OF A CHRISTIAN COMMONWEALTH 10. Hobbes's Covenant Theology and Its Political Implications 11. Omnipotence, Necessity, and Sovereignty: Hobbes on Absolute and Ordinary Powers of God and King 12. Hobbes on Salvation 13. Hobbes and the Cause of Religious Toleration Part IV: OF THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS 14. Hobbes's Critique of the Doctrine of Essences and Its Sources 15. Leviathan and Its Anglical Context 16. The Bible and Protestantism in Leviathan 17. The Appendix and Hobbes's Theological Project Part V: HOBBES'S RECEPTION 18. Hobbes and His Contemporaries 19. The Reception of Hobbes's Leviathan 20. Clarendon against Leviathan 21. Silencing Thomas Hobbes: The Presbyterians and Leviathan Select Bibliography Index