1 Xbox One (HD de 500gb), 1 controle sem fio, 1 adaptador de headset, 1 headset (obs. microfone nĂŁo esta funcionando) e 72 jogos (midia digital). Somente venda! AirMech Arena * Battlefield 4 com season pass * Dark Souls * Dark Souls 3 com Season Pass * Darksiders * Destiny * Doritos Crash Course * Dragon Age Inquisition * NBA Live 15 * NBA Live 16 * FarCry 4 com Season Pass * Fifa 15 * Forza Motorsport 5 * Game of Thrones * Goat Simulator * Hand Of Fate * Heavy Weapon * How To Survive * killer Instinct * Kinect Sports Rivals * Lara Croft * Layers of Fear * Lords of The Fallen * Madden NFL 15 * Metal Gear Solid V * Mighty No.9 * Monopoly Deal * Monopoly Plus * Need For Speed * Neverwinter * Pool Nation FX * Project Cars * Resident Evil * Resident Evil Revelations 2 * Rise of the Tomb Raider * Risk * Ryse: Son of Rome * Sacred Citadel * Saints Row IV * Rainbow Six Vegas 2 * Sunset Overdrive * Styx * Sherlock Holmes * Van Helsing * The Walking Dead * The Witcher 3 * The Wolf Amoung Us * Trine 2 * Trials Fusion com Season Pass * Tomb Raider Definitive Edition * Thief * Valiant Hearts * World Of Tanks * Death Trap * Worms Battlegrounds * WRC 5 * Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag * Battlefield Hardline * COD Bo3 * COD IW * Fifa 16 * Smite * The Crew * Assassin's Creed Unity * Castle Storm definitive edition * Child of Light * Happy Wars * Hawken * Massive Chalice * Metro Last Light Redux * Rayman Legends * Warframe