69 cartas originais (EM INGLĂS) e bem preservadas. A lista de todas as cartas se encontra abaixo: - Ancient Lizard Warrior - Beaver Warrior - Book of Secret Arts x2 - Castle of Dark Illusions x2 - Castle Walls - Celtic Gurdian - Claw Reacher - Cocoon of Evolution - Crawling Dragon x2 - Dragon Capture Jar - Dark Hole - De-Spell - Doma The Angle of Silence x4 - Dragon Piper - Dragon Zombie - Eletric Lizard - Flame Cerebrus - Hyosube x3 - King of Yamimaka x2 - Launcher Spider x2 - Leogun x2 - Magical Ghost x2 - Maha Vailo - Michizure - Monster Reborn - Mystical Elf - Mystical Lamp - Mysterious Puppetter - Musician King - Neo the Magic Swordsman - Ooguchi - Reinforcements - Remove Trap - Reverse Trap x2 - Ring of Magnetism - Roaring Ocean Snake - Ryu-Kishin - Sanga of the Thunder - Souls of the Forgotten - Sword of Deep-Seated - The Immortal of Thunder - The Inexperienced Spy - The Stern Mystic x3 - Two-Pronged Attack x3 - Ultimate Offering x2 - Uraby x2 - Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress x2 - Witty Phantom - Yami